Sebastião Salgado in Avignon

Sebastião Salgado, the Franco-Brazilian photographer, explores the impact of climate change on the Amazonia.

This impact can be felt globally. Unfortunately,  there is still a lack of information regarding all the endangered regions, people, and ecosystems. One constant for Sebastião Salgado is the Amazon and the disturbing news of its continuous deforestation that reach us daily.

Sebastião Salgado‘s presentation of over 200 photographs titled Amazônia towards the disappearing Amazonian forest shows the interaction between indigenous people and this important region.

Sebastião Salgado gained his reputation through his work engaged with social and environmental issues. His interest is showing the interaction between humans and nature in the Amazon. For this purpose, he spent six years working with different indigenous communities, comprising his research into a collection of photographs.

Accompanied by a sound creation, a veritable world-symphony imagined by Jean-Michel Jarre, the exhibition will take over the Grand Chapel of the Palais des Papes from 27 June to 30 November 2022 as part of the major summer exhibition “Amazônia”.